

Field zone-specific seeding to help save costs and achieve higher yields.

Differences in soil characteristics and field elevation have a strong influence on the germination rate and yield potential of each field zone. By analyzing all available data for each field zone – e.g. historical biomass averages, yield, soil, and elevation maps – as well as by creating variable seeding maps ready for most terminals, FIELD MANAGER makes it easy to optimize the seeding rate of your field zones.


xarvio Seeding benefits

xarvio Seeding benefits

Variable rate seeding maps

Optimize the potential of every seed in your field.

  • Create variable rate seeding maps ready for your terminals to adjust seeding rates easily
  • Optimize your yield in high potential zones
  • Save seed in low performing areas and reduce plant stress
  • Generate seeding maps based on various source maps specific to field properties
  • Adjust maps manually at any time
  • Merge multiple base maps to adapt the maps better to the needs of your fields
xarvio Seeding benefits


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Crop Nutrition  Field Monitor  Crop Protection